The match went exactly as everyone involved expected it to go, with Hawkeye dominating from the opening bell. He used a variety of powerful, high impact moves to keep Karrs from ever getting into the match, and crowd loved it. Hawkeye could have put the match away within the first two minutes, but instead elected to take out some pent up aggression by slamming Karrs into the mat like a rag doll, finally hitting "The Duster" and picking up the pinfall.
The crowd cheers for Hawkeye as he climbs to his feet and stares down at Alex Karrs’ motionless body. The applause lasts nearly a minute until suddenly “Sippin” hits the speakers and the TWC Streetfight Champion Keeper appears at the top of the ramp. With his title draped over his shoulder he strides down to the ring, smiling arrogantly as he does so. Seeing Keeper, Karrs rolls out of the ring and as Keeper steps onto the ring apron, Karrs makes his way quickly up the ramp. Keeper takes the hand of Hawkeye and raises it in the air, and the two celebrate for several seconds until “Bleed it Out” by Linkin Park hits the speakers and James Raven appears at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand
Raven: Am I right in remembering that I suspended you from this weeks show, Keeper?
Keeper snatches the ring announcers mic away from him and shouts back to Raven.
Keeper: I ain't wrestling, I ain't “interfeared”. I'm just celebrating with my bud over a good match
Raven: Keeper… let me explain something to you… when I say you’re suspended… that means your pay is stopped, your not permitted into the ring and most of all your keep your god damn ugly mug off of television during my show.
Keeper: You should have been more specific after I smashed your face in last week, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation now, would we?
Raven: Well you should have read your contract Keeper, because you are now in breach of your “fine print”… and I’m here to say your fired. Its times like this when I really love my job.
Keeper grabs the ring ropes in fury and begins shaking them while shouting furiously at Raven, who simply stands there smiling to himself, when Mr. Balls strides through the curtains behind him and makes his way to the ring. Mr. Balls climbs the ring steps with a mic in hand. Then Keeper, Hawkeye and Mr. Balls talk amongst themselves for a moment
Mr. Balls. As majority owner of the TWC, I am reinstating Keeper as part of the active roster due to the fact he had not been an active part of the show tonight. Yet, as he appeared on television during suspension, Keepers week off will be carried over to next week
Raven: So what, because he's an old friend of yours he can get away with murder now?
Mr. Balls: Pretty much.
Raven is silent for a moment.
Raven: Fine, but when he’s back next week… lets just say his career is going to be hell from now on, I’ll make sure of that.
Mr. Balls: That actually leads me to my next point Raven, you wont do a damned thing, because when Hawkeye gets back, you wont be around.
James: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
James quickly gets his answer as several security guards come out from the back and grab him by the shoulders, dragging him through the balck curtain as he kicks and screams.
Mr. Balls: You’re so bound and determined to get someone suspended Raven? Fine. We’ll see you in a few weeks. Until then, DON'T BOTHER COMING IN!!!
The members of the Flat Line Crew celebrate in the ring as the fans are quiet… was the TWC co-owner actually just suspended? After a few more moments, the trio leaves the ring and we prepare for the next match.
In a weak match, Travis Thomas surprised the crowd by dominating former World title contender John Rogan. Rogan, who hasnt looked the same since Border Chaos last month, stumbled around the ring as if in a daze, not even trying to defend himself or mount an offense as Thomas landed attack after attack on him, finally finishing him off with a "Brooklyn Skies" from the top rope.
The crowd was split between the two teams as relative newcomers Casey and Brian teamed with two TWC fixtures, Mia Sanchez and Alyssa Ferro, respectively. Ferro and Mia darted around the ring with several acrobatic maneuvers, but it was Cady and Pierro-Zabotel who stole the match, showing that they were capable of doing a little bit of everything. The match ended when Mia and Cady were in the ring and Alyssa attempted to interfere, but Casey leapt through the ropes and rushed across the ring, tackling Ferro over the top rope and to the concrete outside. With Mia alone, Cady managed to deliver a knee to her gut, doubling her over and setting her up perfectly for the "X Marks the Spot". He followed up with a quick cover and picked up the victory for he and Ferro.
Ferro and Cady celebrate for a moment, then make their way up the ramp and towards the back. Casey slides back into the ring, staring at Mia as she slowly shakes the cobwebs out of her head. He glares angrily at her, blaming her for his first loss, then he begins to wildly stomp the former International champion while the crowd screams in surprise. What the hell is he doing!?!?!
The fans look to the top of the ramp, waiting for James Raven to come running to the ring to save Mia, but due to his suspension it never happens.
Casey continues to destroy Mia as the gasps quickly turn to boos. A group of paramedics run down to the ring, pulling Casey off, and he slowly exits the ring, smiling the entire time as he makes his way to the back.
The fans look on as Mia is loaded onto a stretcher, and Terror fades to commercial.
In what was easily the best match of the night, these two TWC icons went toe to toe in a match that kept the fans cheering from beginning to end. Jose Chavez used his incredible speed, hitting high spots all over the ring and trying to keep out of Bigg Riggs grasp. The few times that he was able to get too close, Rigg punished him with brain busters, power slams and even a rarely utilized gorilla press drop. At about the 8 minute mark, the bans were astounded as Jose went for a flying cross body, only to be caught in midair and hit with "The Rage" by Gambino. Right before the three count, the referee noticed Jose's foot on the ropes and ended the count.
The match came down to Big Shank, who spent the entire match on the apron, swinging at Jose or grabbing the luchador, only to be warned several times by the referee, waited until Jose hit "The Tornado" on Bigg Rigg and came too close to the turnbuckle. He grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out over the top rope and to the concrete floor outside, and the referee had no choice but to disqualify Bigg Rigg.
In an even, yet unexciting match, Nick Ryan wrestled his first TWC Main Event against long time fan favorite, Reggie Love. Forced into the match by Mr. Balls to defend his open contract, and Nick showed no signs of giving it up as he had his most impressive match to date, darting around the ring and showing fans exactly what he was capable of. The highlight of the match was a diving head scissors from the top rope that sent Reggie tumbling through the ropes and spine first onto the ring steps. However, it took nearly three more minutes for Nick to put her away with a RYAN RIOT, thus retaining his open contract.