![]() TWC: Homecoming comes to life with the typical flourish of pyrotechnics and we are on the air baby! "Over The Mountain" by Ozzy Osbourne blasts over the speakers. "Over The Mountain" fades and "Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze hits. Eric Anderson steps out of the back with a big smile on his face. He gets to the ring and climbs inside. He pulls a microphone from his jacket pocket and begins. Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm back! I know it's been awhile since you've seen me, but understand I've got serious business. TWC: Homecoming is a huge event and we're so excited to be back in Syracuse!
The crowd obliges with the cheap pop.
Anderson: We've got a small problem tonight. There are congressional committee members here drug testing our superstars and also investigating the main event match. They're saying it's unsafe and will pull our feed from the air if the match goes through. We will not yield! Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Homecoming. Let's get this shindig under way!
REGGIE LOVE vs. ALEX KARRS "Confrontation" by OTEP hits, and Reggie Love steps out on the ramp, waving to the fans. She gets to the ring and slides inside, waiting for Alex Karrs. Alex steps out on the ramp to no music and walks down to the ring. He climbs inside and the bell rings.
Reggie takes the fight to Karrs quick and furious. She battles like a woman scorned hitting lefts and rights to the head and face of Karrs. Reggie hits a scoop slam and heads to the top rope. She dives off, hitting a leg drop from the top across the throat of Karrs. Alex squirms on the mat as Reggie plays to the fans. Reggie pulls Alex up off the mat and whips him to the ropes before hitting a big clothesline. She quickly pulls Karrs up again and tosses him to the ropes again, but Alex hits a big dropkick on the return.
Alex smiles and pats himself on the back. He covers. Alex gets a one count before Reggie kicks out and jumps to her feet. She hits a standing dropkick and immediately follows it with a leg drop across the throat of Alex again. Reggie scoops Alex up and BOOM! FUNNEL OF LOVE!
Reggie covers..
WINNER: REGGIE LOVE!!!!! "Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze hits, and Eric Anderson steps out on the ramp with a microphone.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, John Rogan and Nick Ryan are suspended from competition this evening and will be out for the immediate future. Details are not available at this point, the memo came down from Mr. Balls' office. Please enjoy the next match-up tonight.
WINNER: N/A HAWKEYE vs. BRIAN CADY "Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple hits, and Brian Cady steps out on the ramp. He runs down to the ring and slides inside before "Killing Time" by (hed) PE hits. Hawkeye steps out on the ramp with a big smile on his face. He slowly makes his way down to the ring before stepping inside and staring down Brian Cady.
The bell rings and Cady runs across the ring and straight into a big boot. Hawkeye laughs at his good fortune and helps Cady back to his feet before hitting a DUSTER! Hawkeye puts a boot across the chest of Brian Cady and the referee counts.
"Sippin'" by Boondox hits, and Keeper steps out from the back with the TWC Streetfight Championship strapped around his waist. He points a finger to the crowd and heads down to the ring. He climbs inside and "Underground" by GOB hits. CPZ steps out of the back and absorbs the boos from the crowd. "I Am Everything" by Tech N9ne hits and Mr. Balls steps out on the stage. He makes his way down to the ring and climbs inside. He grabs the Streetfight Championship from Keeper and holds it up for the crowd to see.
Mr. Balls: Gentlemen, I've got something to say. This match is for the Streetfight Championship, so let's make this a true streetfight! Pinfalls count anywhere...no holds barred. I've got something else to say as well.
Mr. Balls pauses as the crowd cheers loudly.
Mr. Balls: Also, the government has said they will shut us down tonight if we let the main event go off. You know what? FUCK THAT! The main event will happen! You'll be on the roof of the old TWC offices here in Syracuse, and the match will have a victor!
The bell rings and Mr. Balls leaves the ring. Keeper is watching Mr. Balls leave the ring and is clotheslined out of the ring by CPZ. CPZ goes over the top with him and the two hit the floor hard. CPZ is first to his feet and immediately begins searching for things beneath the ring. He pulls out a table with various objects sitting on top of it. CPZ sets up the table and is tripped by Keeper as he heads back to the rest of the weapons. Keeper gets to his feet and throws a kick to the fallen body of CPZ. Keeper grabs a cookie sheet and sets it across the face of CPZ. Keeper lands a stomp on the cookie sheet and smiles as CPZ squirms on the mat. Keeper starts looking through the weapons and picks up a crutch. He swings it around and waits for CPZ to get back to his feet. CPZ gets up and barely misses a crutch swung like a baseball bat. He kicks Keeper in the stomach and hits him with the bent cookie sheet.
Keeper stumbles backward, dropping the crutch, and CPZ hits him again. Keeper sprawls across the set up table as CPZ looks toward the top rope. CPZ gets up top and points down at Keeper as the crowd boos him. Keeper rolls off the table and runs up to CPZ, pulling him off the top rope and making him land awkwardly on the outside. Keeper immediately grabs him and pulls him to his feet, going for a tombstone. CPZ manages to break free and avoid the tombstone. He kicks Keeper in the leg and slides back in the ring with a few weapons.
CPZ stands in the ring taunting Keeper. Keeper slides in and is met with a hard chair shot for his trouble. CPZ smiles at the naivety of Keeper. He pulls Keeper up and whips him to the corner. CPZ puts Keeper on the top turnbuckle and climbs up with him. CPZ steps over the top rope and sets Keeper up. CPZ DROP OF DEATH THROUGH THE TABLE! CPZ covers.
WINNER and NEW STREETFIGHT CHAMPION: CASEY PIERRO-ZABOTEL Casey is the new Streetfight Champion but must relinquish it before the main event! Add a reign to his record.
"I Am Everything" hits again, and Mr. Balls steps out again. He claps his hands, applauding the match that just happened before getting a microphone.
Mr. Balls: Keeper, CPZ, you'll both be in the main event. Get rested up and head to the back. There's a car waiting for you to take you to the old TWC Headquarters.
We open up to the rooftop where Eric Anderson, Hawkeye, and Reggie Love all wait patiently for the other two participants to arrive. Suddenly, a small man in a suit runs onto the rooftop and gets right in the face of Eric Anderson.
Man: I told you both, if this match goes on you will be pulled from the air! As soon as I see someone lay a finger on someone else, I will give the signal. This match is not happening!
Anderson: Wow, you're serious aren't you? You really don't understand this business at all. I'm telling you, the last two competitors are in separate cars and on the way here right now. If you shut this down, it will not be a good thing for your re-election chances.
Keeper and CPZ burst onto the rooftop and knock the man down. Eric gives them the go ahead and CPZ immediately goes for Reggie Love. Reggie meets him with a hard left to the jaw and the feed cuts!